How to Save Money at Walt Disney World

Planning to go to Walt Disney World soon? Maybe it is your kid’s birthday, and this is his wish. Or perhaps you just want to take your family to this particular entertainment complex to spend some quality time.

Well, vacations like this could get a bit expensive, especially if you are taking your entire family with you. But this does not mean that you can no longer do it if you have a limited budget. There are ways to have fun at Walt Disney World without spending too much money. How? Follow these tips:

Bring Your Own Food


Although there are various places in the park where you can get your meals from, it would be smart to bring your own food if you really want to cut the cost. Remember that you will be feeding not only yourself but also your family members, so having packed lunch will certainly be a great way to save money. You have to remember, though, that you are not allowed to bring in anything that comes in a glass bottle.


packed lunch

Opt for a Vacation Package

If you intend to stay on the resort for a few days, then booking a vacation package would be the smartest thing for you to do. If you opt for a package, it will include your hotel room plus your tickets to the park. Do the math, and you will realize that getting a hotel and tickets separately is actually a lot more expensive.

Staying outside the property is an option too if you really don’t want to break the bank. You simply have to pick one from the different hotel chains or Airbnb rentals.

Look for Discounted Tickets

There are various websites that also sell tickets for the resort, and some of them offer discounts. You must be extra careful, though, when you do this if you don’t want to get scammed. Before you send your payment, make sure that the site is legit.

Avoid the Holidays

During special holidays, especially long weekends, you can expect that the prices of parts tickets as well as accommodations inside and outside the property would be higher. Therefore, if you want to save a few hundred dollars on your vacation, then try as much as possible going there on peak seasons.